The Co-Host for Julys’ Denver Happy Hour is John Rebchook, Writer. I met John a few years ago on a real estate tour bus when he was a real estate editor with the Rocky Mountain News. We’ve kept in touch and he just started a new business venture in consulting in real estate writing. Everyone would agree that he is a great guy and a talented writer. Check out www.insiderealestatenews.com
This month we are meeting @ Second Home in Cherry Creek (base of JW Marriot, 150 Clayton Lane)….They reserved the patio area with fancy fire pit, we also have an area inside in case of the random rain attacks. The Second Home is sister to The Corner Office. The décor & ambiance are cozy, relaxing & one of a kind.
Second Home (inside JW Marriott Cherry Creek, 150 Clayton Lane) July 22th, 5:30p to 7:00p
Second Home & Kitchen Bar
150 Clayton Lane, Cherry Creek
Denver, CO
Free Apps & Happy Hour Cocktails
5:30pm to 7:00pm
Co-Hosts for the Night:
John Rebchook – Real Estate Writer/Entrepreneur, jrchook@gmail.com 303-945-6865
Amanda Michalek – Executive Meetings Manager, Second Home Kitchen & Bar, amanda.michalek@jwmarriottdenver.com, 303-253-3067
~Second Home Kitchen and Bar: Second Home offers honest food accompanied by an abundant selection of micro-brewed beers and international wines, in a warm and sophisticated setting. All of this comes without pretense and with all the comforts of a grand, mountain retreat. With one arm around modern comfort food and the other out-stretched around a warm, ambient, fire-lit setting. Visit our website: www.secondhomedenver.com
~John Rebchook has launched a new online residential real estate report, InsideRealEstateNews.com. John has more than 30 years of experience in writing and communications. As the Real Estate Editor for the Rocky Mountain News, he wrote about residential and commercial real estate for 26 years. He has won numerous awards for business stories and columns that he wrote, both as an individual and part of teams. In addition to real estate, he also covered economic development, banking and financing, the airlines, and cable TV for the Rocky.